The photo above is that of a Koi (Japanese carp). This one is a Goromo - one of the many different varieties of Koi . One of my first and certainly not my last.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trying New Feed for My Koi

I normally feed my Koi with Hikari Staple (easy on my wallet) and supplement with Hikari Spirulina for the Koi with Red markings. Spirulina is an algae and research has been found to have a high content of the carotenoid colour pigment, which is very effective on the colour of Koi when added to their diet. That is, food mixing to balance cost and benefits. Hikari actually recommends a mix that includes a color enhancing diet comprising no less than 35% of the total quantity being fed.

I am now trying Saki-Hikari Growth Diet for my Koi since most of my new Koi are about 2 years old and still in their growing stage.

According to the label, this diet is able to “Promotes unbelievable growth and championship form!”. The protein content is at least 40%, compared to 35% for the Hikari Staple. According to the test results published on the packaging, this food is supposed to help grow a Koi 1.6 times better compared to the Hikari Staple diet. I am giving this a try although the relative cost of this food is about 2 times compared to the Staple food but if you want your Koi to grow big to its fullest potential, the first few years are the most important. Besides, this new feed also includes a probiotic, Hikari Germ which has many benefits, according to the manufacturer.

“This unique, beneficial bacteria overpowers bad bacteria within the intestine reducing it's propagation and ability to lethally infect your fish. Additionally, the proprietary Hikari Germ accelerates the digestive process thereby improving absorption and thereby reducing waste output.”

“Expect improved water quality and reduced filter maintenance when used as a daily diet.”

“Expect improved luster, reduced fatalities and fat-deposit-free growth as a result of the perfect ingredient balance.”

Let’s see in a few months’ time whether my Koi achieves what is claimed about the growth rate. I will not be too scientific about this, e.g. doing a controlled experiment and feed two batches or Koi with different feeds). Instead, I will just based on gut-feel since 1.6x vs 1x should be noticeable.

Right now, the only thing I noticed about this Koi food are:

* the Koi seems to feed with a greater frenzy with this new diet. Maybe they like a change of diet sometimes, like humans.

* the food pellets leaves a slight trace of oil on the water surface compared to the Hikari Staple.

I am doing a little survey on the actual Koi feeding frequency in this website. I would appreciate your participation; even if you don’t own a Koi or keep a pond.

BTW, I feed my Koi twice a day. Sometimes more.


  1. Hi Jeffrey,
    My name is Daniel.
    I have been religiously following your blog.

    I would like to know how was the result from the new feed you introduce to your koi. (Hikari Hi-growth & Hikari Spirulina)

  2. Hi Daniel,

    I think this feed is not bad. The Koi seems to like this feed more than the Hikari Spirulina which I am continuing to give on an occasional basis. I am satisfied with how my Koi are growing. I just replenished my Saki-Hikari feed last month. Will have to wait and see if there are long terms side effects. Poor quality food can result in problems like fatty liver disease which took the lives of some of my Koi in the past.

    In terms of growth rate, I think there are many factors, beside the food. Some varieties of Koi will grow faster than others. Examples are Chagoi. It is also dependent on the bloodline.

    All things being equal, the more aggressive and less timid Koi who comes up for food more often gets more of the feed and they tends to grow faster than the rest.
